
The best Qwoppers

Congratulations to the top five four Qwoppers! Teehee all girls

Corkal - 100.5 meters
Emmzie - 100.5 meters
Cristycute - 100.1 meters
Pfannkutchen (Iagenten) - 100.1 meters

Martinix... I could obviously tell that your score of 193.6 is fake. ERRP ERRP DISQUALIFICATION

Anyways, Corkal, Emmzie, and Cristycute win a choice of butterfly wings (any color), a V-flag (any color), or a first place medal on .in. Please leave a comment stating what prize you want. Iagenten, if you want, you can create a chobots.in account (comment the username if you do) and choose any one of the prizes. Otherwise, you win an swf banner for a blog of your choice.

Until next time



  1. Hi Lexi!
    YAY! Thank you!!:D
    I would like a V-Flag in a baby pink (light pink) please!


  2. AnonymousJuly 13, 2011

    Martinix score looks real... is it like impossible to get that score or something?

  3. @★♫Ŗõň♫★

    the highest score you could get is 100.5. his score isnt possible

  4. @★♫Ŗõň♫★ ...And also it says "Participant" instead of "National Hero." BTW...didn't you "quit?" Read the latest post on Shrinkyy.tk


  5. Thanks! Could I please have the First Place Medal? :)

    And QWOP is so addicting. I showed my friends and now they are all addicted to it. :P

    -Emmzie (.com)
    -Emmziee (.in)

  6. yay congratz everybody else!!

    can i have black butterfly wings?:3

  7. @ron

    if you look at martinix's score you can tell the 3 is edited. plus he couldn't edit the actual background score so he just took a pic of the certificate. and yeah...like corkal said, it should say "national hero" if the score was legit.


Thanks for commenting! ^_^

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