
2 year party!

Heyyy! Chobots 2 year party is today!

7PM Chobots Time, 3PM Eastern Time, 2PM Central, 1PM Mountain, 12PM Pacific, 8PM UK, 10PM L'viv Ukraine

Cafe Street, any server

Come come come! ;D

I'll post a few pics on this post after the party.

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Party pics (click to enlarge, duh):

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Here was the beginning ish part of the party. How is this the beginning ish? Well, the party was going great in the beginning, but then the mods had to restart chobots. Then we began the party, again.
Jessies the one who came in the beginning. -_-

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The party was going great. We turned into stars. haha. At first, it rained 2 year shirts, bow ties, necklaces, and jackets. Thank you jessie for raining stuff we already have -_-

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Now, we are turkeys. Or what some call chickens. At this part of the party, it was raining the tube top shirts, peace shirts, and b-day shirts. We tried to make a letter C, but when it started raining, everyone started moving -_- I hope you can sorta see the C. My brother thinks it looks like a G. Good job chobots in the server of Vanilla ._.

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Yeah, good job jessie. Or whatever mod did that.

Then the party started to end... at the end, it rained the dizzy magic eyeshadow, 2 year shirts, and some love shirts. Jessie, you really should stop raining love shirts at the end of each party. Why not saphira shirts or chlos shirts instead? (:

Well, thats it. Cya everyone!


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